lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2013

Boolean functions to specify conditions

You can use the following Boolean functions to specify conditions:

Current member has a specified accounts tag (for example, an Expense tag)@ISACCTYPE
Current member is an ancestor of the specified member@ISANCEST
Current member is an ancestor of the specified member, or the specified member itself@ISIANCEST
Current member is a child of the specified member@ISCHILD
Current member is a child of the specified member, or the specified member itself@ISICHILD
Current member is a descendant of the specified member@ISDESC
Current member is a descendant of the specified member, or the specified member itself@ISIDESC
Current member of the specified dimension is in the generation specified@ISGEN
Current member of the specified dimension is in the level specified@ISLEV
Current member matches any of the specified members@ISMBR
Current member is the parent of the specified member@ISPARENT
Current member is the parent of the specified member, or the specified member itself@ISIPARENT
Current member (of the same dimension as the specified member) is in the same generation as the specified member@ISSAMEGEN
Current member (of the same dimension as the specified member) is in the same level as the specified member@ISSAMELEV
Current member is a sibling of the specified member@ISSIBLING
Current member is a sibling of the specified member, or the specified member itself@ISISIBLING
A specified UDA exists for the current member of the specified dimension@ISUDA
When you place formulas on the database outline, you can use only the IF, ELSE, ELSEIF, and ENDIF commands and Boolean functions to co